Production of livestock products in agricultural organizations in Russia.
In March 2021, milk production in agricultural enterprises increased by 2.8%, egg production - by 0.5%.
Milk yield in agricultural enterprises (without microsegment) per 1 cow in the first quarter of 2021 amounted to 1742 kilograms against 1689 kilograms in the first quarter of 2020, the egg production of laying hens in agricultural enterprises (excluding small businesses) - 77 eggs, as well as a year ago.
In the first quarter of 2021 in the structure of livestock and poultry production for slaughter (in live weight) there was an increase in the share of production of cattle and pigs for slaughter compared to the first quarter of 2020.
Thus, the share of cattle in livestock production reached 9.2%, pigs - 40.7%. The main reason is a decrease in production volumes in the poultry industry by 6% (in a couple of the first quarter of 2021/2020). @agrorisk
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