Government investment in agriculture in Russia. As part of the Federal Targeted Investment Program (supervised by the Ministry of Economics of Russia), as of May 1, 2021, 6.9 billion rubles were allocated for agriculture, or 1.2% of total public investment. The federal budget gave 6.8 billion rubles.
A total of 106 agricultural facilities are included for capital construction, purchase or implementation of measures for enlarged investment projects. Of the 10 facilities scheduled for commissioning in 2021, 1 facility was commissioned in January-April, of which 0 - at full capacity, 1 facilities - partially.
In January-April 2021, the federal budget financed 376 billion rubles. or 5.5% of the annual agricultural budget of the FAIP. The rate of financing of agricultural facilities is 8 times lagging behind the rate for the whole of the FAIP (44.7%).
Of all allocations in January-April of this year recipients managed to spend 258 billion rubles. @agrorisk