Commissioning of warehouse logistics facilities for crop production in Russia. Rosstat monitors 2 types of warehouses for crop products: grain storage and storage for potatoes, vegetables and fruits. A separate line is the commissioning of capacities for stationary grain dryers.
In 1 sq. 2021 commissioning of grain storage facilities in comparison with 1 quarter. 2020 decreased by almost 30%. In absolute terms, the input amounted to 122.3 thousand tons of one-time storage against 179.6 thousand tons. in the observed period a year earlier (decrease by -57.3 thousand tons).
The decline is more than 2 times recorded in the commissioning of capacities for storage of potatoes, vegetables and fruits. If in 1 sq. In 2020, 51 thousand tons of fruit storage facilities were commissioned, then in 1 quarter. this year, only 20.3 thousand tons (a decrease of -30.7 thousand tons).
The capacity of the stationary grain dryers put into operation also fell by 25%, from 623 t / h in 1 sq. 2020 up to 479.8 t / h in 1 quarter. this year (decrease by -143.2 t / h). @agrorisk
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