Agricultural production in Russia. All farms: agricultural organizations, farmers and households in May 2021 in current prices produced products worth 416.2 billion rubles. (in April - 365.6 billion rubles). In general, for January-April 2021 - in the amount of 1,496.4 billion rubles.
The dynamics of agricultural production in January-May 2021 began to recover. Compared to the same periods of the previous year, the dynamics of the index was: in January + 0.7% in February + 0.6%, in March + 0.1%, in April already -0.1%, in May + 0.1%.
Thus, the achievements of agricultural producers in May allowed the agriculture index to strengthen.
In 2020, the dynamics of the production index in January-May amounted to 103.2% against 100.2% this year. @agrorisk