Manufacture of refrigerators and bakery equipment in Russia. From the beginning of the year to May 2021, factories in Russia produced equipment for the production of bakery products worth 818 million rubles. By the same period in 2020, production increased by 3.1 times.
Paired May 2021/2020 equipment output increased 4.2 times. However, already in the May / April 2021 pair, the production index fell by 31%. The reason is ordinary - the May holidays.
For household refrigerators and freezers. From the beginning of the year to May 2021, 1.6 million units were produced. The index compared to the same period in 2020 amounted to 179.9%.
Paired May 2021/2020 refrigeration equipment produced more by 85.6%. In contrast to agricultural machinery and bakery equipment, the production of refrigerators in pairs in May / April 2021 did not collapse, the index was 98.4%. @agrorisk