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Create a digital shield for agricultural industries. The strategy of digitalization - 2030 in agriculture was designed in Kazan.

A round table "Strategy of the Russian Federation - 2030 on digitalization in agriculture (exchange of experience in the regions)" was held in Kazan. The moderator of the round table at the invitation of the host party was Oleg A. Motorin, a leading researcher at Rosinformagrotech, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics at Timiryazevka. The event was held within the framework of the International Forum "Kazan Digital Weew - 2022", held at Kazan Expo in September 2022. Moderator of the round table Oleg A. Motorin, opening the event, noted that agriculture as a key industry in the agro-industrial complex is moving towards digitalization at a double pace, according to statistics, the volumes of innovative products shipped to agricultural farms are growing, regions are actively developing state support measures for agricultural producers, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture is developing a unified information platform for agribusiness. At the same time, there are still issues that need to be addressed by optimizing risks and creating new opportunities for the growth of the agro-industrial complex. The round table presented by the distinguished guests will allow answering a number of such challenges.

Alexander Dvoinykh, a member of the Federation Council Committee

on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, in his report outlined the main directions and proposals for the digital transformation of agriculture. Noting that the Senate is actively involved in the work and creates a window of opportunity for both industry associations and agribusiness itself, allowing them to convey their positions and take them into account in the formation of specific solutions for the digital transformation of the industry. If there were proposals, Alexander Vladimirovich drew the attention of the participants to the possibility of directly presenting ideas and problematic issues for inclusion in the resolutions of the Federation Council Committee

on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management. During the discussion, questions were revealed that the participants sent to the Senate through the provided operational channel of interaction.

Anton A. Kukanov, Deputy Head of Roskachestvo, presented a strategic report on the experience of digital transformation in Roskachestvo. Based on the project that took place, Anton Alekseevich presented a case of the digital transformation of Roskachestvo, which made it possible to achieve changes in the corporation's activities and use the power of processed data with full efficiency. As a guideline, key performance indicators were used not only in relation to the operational activities of the corporation, but above all, the possibility of creating new products for one of the target audiences of Roskachestvo - retail consumers. How to conduct the most useful research for the population and convey them to a wide audience using digital services - answers were found to this question in Roskachestvo and a relevant digital solution was formed.

Khaliullin Niyaz Andreevich, General Director of JSC "RIVC", presented the experience of developing strategic provisions for the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex in the Republic of Tatarstan. Niyaz Andreevich drew particular attention to the need for the development of the Strategy of Digitalization of agriculture in the Russian Federation until 2030 to create a single information and analytical space between all participants in the agricultural markets, integration, taking into account the goals and objectives of Gostech and other federal resources.

Sergey A. Aksenov, head of the LocationPro product, which is being developed by Novosibirsk developers of MTS PJSC, spoke in his speech about the problems of import substitution in precision agriculture. In particular, he presented the mechanism of the MTS navigation solution for agriculture and focused on the need to take into account the principle of independence of the functioning of high-precision correction services from foreign solutions such as Trimble, Atlas, Terrastar in the development of the Digitalization Strategy of Agriculture in Russia. The RTK MTS reference network works with GLONASS satellites. He also added that the planned accuracy of outdoor positioning will be able to reach 1-5 cm. This will cover the needs of agricultural producers in matters of precision farming.

Blinov Alexander Viktorovich, Head of the Digital Services Development Group of Syngenta LLC, one of the largest suppliers of plant protection products, presented a working report on the topic "Digital Scouting as the norm. Prompt analysis, timely warning and high-quality consultation." He cited interesting facts, so more than 80 million hectares around the world are managed by digital Syngenta services, of which 27% or about 20 million hectares in Russia. In 2021, Syngenta's intelligent services issued recommendations to agricultural producers for an area of more than 1 million hectares. Kopeikin Mikhail Olegovich, head of the Department for the operation of the grain traceability system of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Agroanalytics", made a report on the topic that is burning for many participants of the round table: FGIS "Grain": the transparent path of grain from the field to the consumer, specifying that more than 90 thousand users have already registered in the system. Thus, this information system has become a real driver of the digital transformation of agriculture in Russia. The report caused more excitement among the participants and the questions that were answered by the speaker.

Oleg A. Motorin, a leading researcher at Rosinformagrotech, associate professor of the Department of Applied Informatics of the K.A.Timiryazev Russian State Agricultural Academy summed up the results of the round table, taking into account the opinions expressed and theses of Maxim A. Zakharov, identified at the conference "World Challenges of Agriculture" a day earlier. Motorin O.A. drew the attention of the participants to the fact that, thanks to such conferences as Kazan Digital Agro, there is always the possibility of direct interaction with regulators and leading experts collecting the frontier of the future of agriculture, called on everyone to continue active partnership and study the achievements of the leader in the expertise of agricultural technologies - Rosinfrormagrotech, training at the Digital Department of the Russian State Agrarian University-The Ministry of Agriculture named after K.A.Timiryazev, publications of the experience of digitalization on the pages . To work together - in the mode of project interaction.

In conclusion, Oleg Alekseevich stressed that the Strategy of digitalization of agriculture in Russia is not so much a document as a continuous planning of the development of the industry, which is being created by all interested participants in the agricultural markets. By investing our personal and corporate experience in the form of ideas and suggestions in open discussions, publications on the pages of scientific journals, sharing practical cases and inviting friendly visits to enterprises, we jointly create a digital shield for the industry that can protect participants from risks and generate new profits.


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