Commissioning of the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex in Russia. In processing, Rosstat observes 3 types of capacities: for the production of sausages, whole milk products, and also for grinding grain.
In 1 sq. 2021 commissioning of capacities for the production of sausages in comparison with 1 quarter. 2020 increased 12 times. In absolute terms, the input amounted to 30 thousand tons per shift against 2.5 thousand tons in the observed period a year earlier.
An increase of more than 4 times is recorded in relation to the commissioning of capacities for the production of whole milk products. If in 1 sq. In 2020, 15.5 thousand tons were introduced per shift, then in 1 quarter. this year, 65.8 thousand tons per shift were introduced.
The capacity of the enterprises of high-quality milling (processing of grain into flour) increased dramatically 55 times: from 10.8 tons / day per 1 sq. 2020 up to 597.5 tons / day in 1 sq. current year. @agrorisk
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